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Earthen floor

09 March 2014

Spring is clearly in the air, with sunny, cloudless days and good forecasts, so a good moment to restart the construction of the new wing. It's the turn for the earthen floor. The option for earth was chosen for a couple of reasons: availability (from the very same building pit), heat storage in winter, coolness in summer, workability (for a layman, although it is laborious) and aesthetics (also this has still to be confirmed). The recipe was partly taken from The Hand-Sculpted House by Ianto Evans (a contagiously enthusiastic and informative book) but also based on my own experience and is as follows, going upwards:
- mother earth
- 10cm river gravel
- plastic sheet
- 10 cm base layer, comprising of 33% soil (from the site, very clayey), 33% sand, 33% road gravel and much loose straw (roughly estimated 1 bale/10m2) and (very) much water. The mixing is done in the traditional way (see August 2009) and being a very wet mud it is applied with a hayfork.
- 3 cm layer with finer materials, same composition
- 2 cm final layer with 25% sifted soil, 75% river sand, no straw or gravel, perhaps some pigment for colour
- 4 or 5 applications of linseed oil

The image shows the result after one week of applying the 10cm base layer (15m2 in about 25 hours). The wooden boards (10x6cm) are used to maintain the correct level.


La primavera esta claramente en el aire con dias soleados y buenas previsiones; un buen momento para reiniciar la construccion de la ala nueva. Toca la instalación del suelo de adobe. Optamos por adobe por una variedad de motivos: disponibilidad (sacado del mismo solar), almacenamiento de calor en invierno, frescor en verano, viabilidad (para un no-experto, aunque supone trabajo) y estética (aunque todavía para comprobar). La receta fue parcialmente cogida de The Hand-Sculpted House by Ianto Evans (un libro contagiosamente entusiasta e informativo) pero esta también basada en experiencia propia y es como sigue, desde abajo hasta arriba:
- tierra madre
- 10cm de grava de rio
- lona de plástico
- 10 cm capa base, consistiendo de 33% tierra (del solar, muy arcillosa), 33% arena de albañil, 33% grava de carreteras y mucha paja (grosso modo 1 bala/10m2) y mucha, mucha agua. La mezcla se logra de la forma tradicional (ver agosto 2009) y tratándose de un barro muy húmedo se aplica con una horca.
- 3 cm segunda capa con materiales mas finos, misma composición
- 2 cm capa final con 25% tierra cribada, 75% arena de playa, sin paja o grava, quizás algún pigmento para dar un color
-4 o 5 capas de aceite de linaza

El imagen muestra el resultado de una semana instalando la capa base de 10cm (15m2 en unos 25 horas). Los tableros (10x6cm) sirven para mantener todo a nivel.

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