Practical Ecology

Nature Switched On





in the Pyrenees  the first 10 years

floristic catalogue
faunistic catalogue

gallery 1: 2006-2012
gallery 2: 2012-

>> 2006 Oct 21
<< 2006 Oct 1

                         a   S T A M M E R  project              

2006 October 13, 14 & 15, Friday, Saturday & Sunday

The past weeks I had been busy constructing several nestboxes with all kinds of materials. The different sizes of the openings must attract different bird species.

I hang them scattered all over the terrain on a height of at least 2 metres with the opening protected from the wind and rain from the west.




Made of drawers, mice nests and pinewood and painted with linseed oil.

A nest box for the Blue Tit, hung in a Quercus faginea tree on the edge of the wood.




Looking northwest.
13 Oct 12:03


We could finally enjoy a clear view on the Pyrenees. It was possible to distinguish the heighest peaks of the mountain range: Aneto (3404m), Posets (3371m) and Mount Perdido (3355m).



















Photograph taken with zoom (200mm).

Looking (with zoom) to the norteast. To the right Turbon (2492m) and just left from it Aneto (3404m) the hightest peak of the Iberian Peninsula.




Mushrooms A, B, C, D, E, F, respectively.


The abundant rainfall of September had clearly favoured the spread of fungi. The quantity and diversity of mushrooms on the terrain was surprising. Here some impressions of some species that are still to be determined. Suggestions welcome..




Silene vulgaris and Setaria pumila.
14 Oct 10:20







Silene vulgaris had formed a dense lawn of a vivid green colour in some areas. The same was true for a species of Prunella, which didn't flower any more. This species grew together with Sedum sediforme (Pale Stonecrop) forming a nice carpet on the highest terrace of the terrain. This Sedum species has quite often been used on green roofs, in some cases covering more than half of the surface. I am considering the possibility of propagating this plant (using its succulent leaves) and apply it on the roof of our future house.


A Prunella species together with moss and Sedum sediforme
14 Oct 11:32




Looking northwest. Sedum sediforme 14 Oct 11:31





The weather was fine these days with a lot of sunshine and no wind. In the morning there was quite some fog in the neightbouring valleys.









Looking northeast. 15 Oct 8:32

floristic catalogue
faunistic catalogue

gallery 1: 2006-2012
gallery 2: 2012-

>> 2006 Oct 21
<< 2006 Oct 1

Latest revision on:  14/08/2018