First snow
24 January 2013
The first substantial snow of the season, only some centimeters and most of it had disappeared at the end of the day.
During a week's absence the temperature inside, with closed windows, had dropped to 8ºC. After a thorough warm-up with the wood-stove it is relatively easy to maintain a temperature around 20º with only one charge of wood-sticks a day. This means that for example the pruning of the almond trees (about 25 on the terrain) provides for at least half of the total amount of fire wood needed for a winter.
La primera caida sustancial de nieve en esta temporada, solamente unos centimetros que han desaparecido al final del dia.
Tras la ausencia de una semana, la temperatura dentro, con las ventanas cerradas, estaba a 8ºC. Despues de un calentón con la estufa de leña resulta relativamente fácil mantener la temperatura alrededor de 20ºC con solamente una carga de leña al dia. Esto significa que por ejemplo la poda de los almendros (unos 25 en el terreno) produce por lo menos la mitad de la leña necesaria para un invierno.
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